Privacy Policy

The Admissionlelo privacy policy is curated to define the process of how we use user data and information. Admissionlelo holds the rights of all the versions of the Admissionlelo website i.e. mobile and applications.

The Admissionlelo privacy is solely drafted for the users accessing information or conducting business with Admissionlelo. Please make sure to check the respective privacy policies of the third-party websites promoted or advertised on the Admissionlelo website.

Admissionlelo does not store the data and information pertaining to the users below the age of 13 years. The data of users below the age of 13 years is deleted at the earliest.

What information do we collect?

Admissionlelo collects the user information submitted by them. Admissionlelo serves as a mediator between the educational institutions and user to furnish the required details. The privacy of the data exchanged between a user and educational institutions is their mutual lookout and Admissionlelo won’t be liable for the safety of the data or information exchanged between the two.

Upon Sign-up/Login, a user agrees to the Admissionlelo terms & conditions and we hold the right to use the user data to for trends analytics and also the same information can be shared with the educational institutions depending upon the user’s usage history.

User Data usage by Admissionlelo

The user information such as e-mail address, the phone number can be sued to send SMS, emails, newsletter etc pertaining to the user interests. A user can anytime opt out of receiving such communication by writing to us at








At the core of accountability is reliability and personal responsibility. We value the ability of our staff and organization to honor our commitments, to clients and to each other. We take ownership of our work and promptly correct mistakes to the greatest extent possible.


To honour our commitment and act with responsibility in all our relationships


To excel through quality, to delight our clients, to enjoy our work.

Our Gallery

Student gallery of the year past graduated passouts

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